Welcome to WaterStars
Devastating floods, raging forest fires, shrinking glaciers, dying forests: we have experienced these in Canada in recent years, and climate change takes a good part of the blame. The water industry can help respond to climate change and contribute towards environmental conservation.
About Climate Change
The basics of climate change are explained here: Canadian Climate Atlas
Read this open letter about Canada and climate change: Clean50 Awards
For more about climate change click this link: What Is Climate Change?
Managing Climate Change
Around the world, many businesses are helping to solve the problem of climate change. Not only are companies speaking out about the problem, they are setting and meeting targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Large companies have the resources to document their GHG emissions, to set reduction targets and monitor progress.

Water Industry
Smaller organizations, including many in the water industry, often do not have the resources required to do this. However, Smaller companies, including water industry suppliers and water purveyors, can take simple steps to help mitigate climate change effects.

About WaterStars
We want to recognize people in the water industry who are making contributions to reducing climate change or to mitigating its effects. How should these people be acknowledged? We welcome suggestions. Watch this space!